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Care Program
A care plan is an essential part of heath care that helps manage your long-term condition better. A care plan is a sort of an agreement between you and your physician to assist and support you in managing your health on a day-to-day basis. Participating in making your care plan helps you evaluate the type of care you need and the means by which it will be provided. The care plan for obesity management will be based on goals of weight loss that you want to work towards.
As a part of the weight management strategy, body mass index will be calculated annually or as needed for management. Body mass index (BMI) is the measure of body fat based on height and weight. It applies to both adult men and women. A person with BMI score of 25 or above is considered overweight; 30 or above, obese; and 40 or above, morbidly obese. Being overweight can affect your health and can lead to life-threatening conditions. If you are overweight, losing some amount of weight can help you feel good and can improve your health. Obese people are more prone to develop serious health conditions such as heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoarthritis, back pain, depression, and some types of cancers.
A care plan to manage obesity addresses your goals, support services you need, medicines, an eating plan, and an exercise plan. You need to set realistic and achievable goals and be dedicated enough to follow your lifestyle modifications. A care plan varies from patient to patient depending on BMI.
General care plan for obese patients includes:
You need to keep track of your daily calorie intake
Include healthy foods such as fruits, chopped vegetables and yoghurt in your meals and snacks
Plan your meals at regular intervals
Avoid junk food
Drink plenty of water
Cut down on your sugar intake and fatty foods
Follow the prescribed diet and exercise regimen after you have undergone any weight loss surgery
Avoid smoking and alcohol
Discuss an appropriate exercise program that suits you
Know the importance of regular exercise in weight loss and weight control. Keep track on the intensity and duration of activity
Adopt lifestyle changes and behavioral modifications for successful weight loss and control
Keep track of your weight by weighing yourself once a week
Check your weight and blood pressure once or twice each week
Track and test for health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions associated with obesity
Discuss with your physician if you are under medications for medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart failure, hypertension (uncontrolled blood pressure), and angina, before undergoing weight loss program
Discuss with your doctor if you need to refer registered dietitians, certified diabetes educators, exercise physiologists, weight-management programs, and support groups, as appropriate